For Ariel Gore's daughter, TV became a good parent when federal government had stopped giving welfare and set her into training. Her small daughter had to stay alone home in her absence. That time T.V played vital role to amuse her. In fact, she is against AAP policy which states that for under age of 21, parents should discourage them (their kids) for watching TV because it makes their mind dull. Although its policy seems to be accepted by middle class women who could stay at home and only look after their kids. But for her, that policy has become oppressive because she needs to work out side keeping alone her daughter at home. She also states that all T.V programs are not harmful, some of them are really benefit for the kids. She sees the some programs like Nick JR has really benefited to preschool children.
Finally she keeps a condition to throw the TV. She says that if the government gives her living wage jobs and a commune artist to share parenting responsibilities, then she will throw her TV. Otherwise, she always praises the kids oriented program like "The Brandy Bunch" which has become her kid favourite program.
It tells us the importance of T.V for working class women and for their kids; it plays the role of substitute mother. Like the writer, many mothers are compelled to work outside for sustaining. At that time, at home, nobody is there to care for their kids. Though Ariel Gore loved her daughter too much but to feed her and to run her house, she had to work, Especially, TV is highly praised in industrialised country where in each time, money plays the crucial role.So to sustain, they have to work outside from morning to evening. That's why, lower class mothers see the importance of T.V. Similarly, many working class women may say that T.V doesn't only show the nude, vulgar, and violent scene. Many TV programs like "Nick Jr" are very helpful to develop kids' cognitive power.
There are several things in which we can raise many questions. The title of the essay "T.V. can be a Good Parents" itself is contradictory in the sense that TV and parents are different things. So, can T.V take the place of parents? Similarly, AAP does not see any benefit of TV so, are not any benefits of watching it? Does TV only show violent and sexual scene? Does not it show good programs to develop child cognitive skill? At last of the essay, she asks the living wage job to throw TV, so, is it good to give such a job for house wife?
After reading this essay. I remembered my childhood stage in which I was greatly fascinated by watching TV. My parents were extremely poor, so they had to work going outside from our home. I also had younger sister. That time, I was just 5 year old and my sister was just three years old. We often felt bored when we had to stay alone at home. So, we requested our parents to buy second hand T.V but our parents told us that they had not money. One day, in Dashain festival, my father bought a lottery ticket and told us that if you had a good luck, you could get T.V on lottery. Then we anxiously waited the day of opening of lottery. Finally it was opened at Dashami and luckily we won 14" black and white T.V. Now, that happiness I cannot express in words. Anyway, the God fulfilled our dream. Then we took it in our home and our mother worshipped the T.V as a god and we kept it into book rack because we did not have money to buy T.V. rack. After that, we never felt loneliness in the absence of our parents. Though, I can not compare TV with my parents, nevertheless TV had played the great role in my childhood time.
Q.1.Ariel Gore, a defender of TV, nevertheless cites research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that parents do their children "an Injustice every time" they let them watch TV why ,in your opinion, does Dr. Christakis ignore this kind of research?
ANSWER : Ariel in her essay cites the AAP (American Academy of Pediatric) which suggests parents not to allow their children to watch TV until 21 years of their age. AAP states that kids under the age of 21 should not watch and states that TV is bad box which makes children mind dull.
I think that Dr Christakis may ignore such ideas of AAP which asserts that children should not watch TV because it disturbs their mind and makes their cognitive skill dull. In the title of the paragraph, "T.V makes kids dumb", the writer does not agree with this opinion and he says that high quality TV program like "Sesame Street" and "Blue Clues" can really help to develop child's mind. It was also done research on those students who watch "Sesame Street" and later found that students were better in recognizing number, letter than those who did not watch such programs.
Q.2. Gore's defense of TV is based on its usefulness, especially to poor single mothers. While her young daughter was sitting in front of the TV set, Ariel was able to have some time for herself, control aggressive impulses towards her innocent daughter, and carry out sufficient reason, for poor working parents, to let their children watch TV for hours a day?
ANSWER : In her essay, Gore defends the TV and says that it is quite important to have it in the room of that woman who have to work going out side of their home. She says that it is important especially for lower class mothers because in her absence at home her children can spend their time with watching it. She claimed that TV is a co-parent for her daughter. So, she is against AAP policy which states that for under age of 21, parents should discourage them (their kids) for watching T.V because it makes their mind dull. She also claims that such policy is fit for that woman who stays at home to care their kids. But for her, that policy has become oppressive because she needs to work outside keeping alone her daughter at home.
In fact, I disagree with her view. If the children are allowed to watch TV in parents' absence at home that would not bring fruitful result, if they watch in this condition, there is the possibility of watching violence and sexual scene. Then they will be aggressive and vulgar.
Q.3. summarize the essay in one paragraph.
ANSWER : Ariel Gore finds the importance of TV in the essay. In fact, for her daughter, TV had become a good parent when federal government stopped giving welfare and set her into training. Her small daughter had to stay alone home in her absence. That time TV played vital role to amuse her. She is against AAP policy which states that for under age of 21. Parents should discourage them (their kids) for watching TV because it makes their mind dull. Although its policy seems to be accepted by middle class women who could stay at home and look after their kids. But for her that policy has become oppressive because she needs to work outside keeping alone her daughter at home. She also stated that all TV programs are not harmful, some of them really benefit for the kids.
At last of the essay, she keeps a condition to throw the TV. She says that if the government gives her living wage jobs and a commune artist to share parenting responsibilities, then she will throw her T.V. Otherwise, she always praises the TV which has become co-parents to her daughter.