
King John and the Abbot of Canterbury Four Levels and Question Answers | Mero Solution

King John and the Abbot of Canterbury Four Levels and Question Answers

King John and the Abbot of Canterbury Four Levels and Question Answers

Four Levels of King John and the Abbot of Canterbury
This humorous narrative poem depicts that wit is powerful weapon to outsmart arrogant people by illustrating the king John, the king of England, and the shepherd which is based on the ancient story of England.

King John was known for his wrong deeds. He did not like to see the people's progress. He heard Abbot of Canterbury who was living a prosperous life, and was very popular among the people. King thought that if he became richer and more popular, there would be problem in the kingdom. His growing power would be a threat to his throne. Therefore the king sent his soldiers to fetch the Abbot to the palace. The king asked three puzzling questions. He gave him a fortnight's time to answer those questions. In case of failure to answer those questions, he would be beheaded and his property would be seized by the king.

The first question was to tell the exact worth of the king with his golden crown. The second was to tell him how quickly the king could travel around the world about. The third question was to tell him what he was thinking at the moment. The Abbot feeling depressed started roaming to different places in search of answers. He consulted with scholars from Cambridge and Oxford University but they could not give correct answers. Three days before the deadline, the Abbot reached his house and met his shepherd. After listening the Abbot's story of pain, the clever Shepherd comforted him with a promise to settle the problem wisely. Then he asked the Abbot to lend him his servants, horse, and dress. Wearing the Abbot's dress, he completely resembled the Abbot and went to the king.

The king welcomed him taking him as the about. He was asked to answer the three questions if he was to save his property and his life. He readily answered the questions. His first answer was that the king was worth at least one penny less than Jesus Christ who is said to have been sold for 30 pence by betrayer. The second answer was that the king could travel round the world in 24 hours at the fastest if he rode at the speed of the sun and the answer to the third question was that the king might have been thinking that he was talking to the Abbot of Canterbury but he really wasn't. He was a poor shepherd. All these answers satisfied the king. Being pleased with him, he offered the shepherd to be the Abbot of Canterbury because he was so wise as to answer the difficult questions reasonably. However, the shepherd denied the king's proposal because he was an illiterate. Finally the king awarded him and the shepherd and the Abbot.

This musical poem might be giving us a moral lesson that the wit or intelligence leads to the solution of problems. Despite being illiterate, the shepherd was able to answer the king's puzzling and nonsense questions because of his wit which University scholars lacked. Therefore it can be inferred that practical knowledge is more instrumental than bookish knowledge to settle the problems of life. This poem also means that truth wins ultimately. The king could not kill the Abbot as he was innocent and true. He tried to trap the Abbot by his nonsense questions so that he could punish the Abbot and capture his property but could not do so because of the wit of the shepherd.

Despite being historical legend, this poem is unrealistic and unreasonable. The readers may raise few questions against it.
i) How can a citizen be more prosperous than the king?
ii) Can a king really be jealous of his citizen's popularity?
iii) How couldn't the king recognize the shepherd?
iv) How can a shepherd answer the questions so intelligently?
v) How could the king be satisfied with the shepherd's answers which sound not reasonable but humorous.

After reading this poem, I am too much realized that only formal education doesn't make people capable to solve the problems rather they may solve from the practical experiences too. My mother is also an illiterate but she can solve the many problems so wisely which can't solve by other educated person. So people can learn, many things from their practical knowledge and experience.
Question Answers of King John and the Abbot of Canterbury

Q.1. In your opinion, what lesson does the poet want to convey through the poem 'King John and the Abbot of Canterbury' ?

ANSWER : In my opinion, the poet of the poem 'King John and the Abbot of Canterbury' wants to give us moral that wit or intelligence leads to the solution of problems. The poet also wants to tell that practical knowledge is more instrumental than bookish knowledge to settle the problems of life. This poem also means that truth wins ultimately.

Q.2. What are the answer to the questions of king in 'King John and the Abbot of  Canterbury' ?

ANSWERS : The King 'King John' asked Abbot three questions. His first question was to tell the exact worth of the King with his golden crown. The second was to tell him how quickly the king could travel around the world about. The third question was to tell him what he was thinking at the moment.
The shepherd answered all the three questions. His first answer was that the king was worth at least one penny less than jesus christ (i.e 29 pence) who is said to have been Sold for 30 pence by a betrayer. The second answer was that the king could travel round the world in 24 hours at the fastest if he rode at the speed of the sun and the answer to third question was that the king might have been thinking that he was talking to the Abbot of Canterbury but he really wasn't. He was a poor shepherd.

Q.3. "King John" recounts a conflict between the king and the Abbot. What is that answer? a) Describe the conflict
b) Explain the reasons for this conflict.
c) How is it resolved ?
d) Describe a similar conflict you may have had with a friend, stranger, child, or parent.

ANSWER : a) Describe the conflict :
King John was known for his wrong deeds. He did not like to see the people's progress. He heard Abbot of Canterbury who was living a prosperous life, and was very popular among the people. King thought that if he became richer and more popular, there would be problem in the kingdom. His growing power would be a threat to his throne. Therefore the king sent his soldiers to fetch the Abbot to the palace. The king asked three puzzling questions. He gave him a fortnight's time to answer those questions. In case of failure to answer those questions, he would be beheaded and his property would be seized by the king.

b) Explain the reasons for this conflict :
The reason of the conflict is that the king is very jealous of the Abbot's fame and popularity. He wanted to kill him and deprive his property. To entrap him, he asked three nonsense questions which was too difficult to answer those questions.Therefore the main reason of the conflict is the jealousy of the king.

c)How is it resolved ?? :
After getting questions from the King John , the Abbot feeling depressed started roaming to different places in search of answers. He consulted with scholars from Cambridge and Oxford University but they could not give correct answers. Three days before the deadline, the Abbot reached his house and met his shepherd. After listening the Abbot's story of pain, the clever Shepherd comforted him with a promise to settle the problem wisely. Then he asked  the Abbot to lend him his servants, horse, and dress. Wearing the Abbot's dress, he completely resembled the Abbot and went to the king.He wisely answered the questions of King John.All these answers satisfied the king. Being pleased with him, he offered the shepherd to be the Abbot of Canterbury because he was so wise as to answer the difficult questions reasonably. However, the shepherd denied the king's proposal because he was an illiterate. Finally the king awarded him and the shepherd and the Abbot.

d) Describe a similar conflict you may have had with a friend, stranger child, or parent :
Last month I bought a mobile phone. And my friend also bought a same mobile phone from different place. We both were unknown about it. And a thief stole my friend's mobile phone and told me about it. He asked me to call on his phone. When I was calling on his mobile he said " This is my mobile" and  accused me that I have stolen his phone. I said him, " This is not your phone , I bought it recently". Later I proved him by showing bill of my mobile phone. Thus, our conflict was solved.

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