
Meaning and Differences between Values and Attitudes with a example

Definition and Meaning of Values and Attitude & Difference between values and Attitude

Meaning and Differences between Values and Attitudes with a example

What is Value ?
Values can be defined as the moral standards or principles that direct our behaviour. Values are the socially accepted things that guide every members of the society. Values are those moral ethics that direct the persons how to show behaviour.

Values direct and guide the action of the person in every aspects of the person. Values are influenced by family, culture, religion etc. of the society.  It is differ from one individual to another, one culture to another, one society to another. Honesty, equality, freedom, love, kindness, integrity, compassion are universal values which are seen almost in every society.

In the organization, there are also values that guide and direct the employees. Organizational values are the moral principles or standards of the organization that influence the actions of the workers within the organization. They tells how to behave within the organization in a various situation. These values are also known as the corporate values or workplace values etc.

What is Attitude ?
Attitudes are judgements or opinions about someone or something. Attitudes are based on the values, beliefs, emotions and experiences of the person. How we are responding in a particular situation are the reflection of attitude.  How much we like or dislike to someone or something is based on our attitude. Attitudes direct the actions and feelings of the person.

Two people may have different attitudes on the same subject matter. One person may enjoy the Rap songs while another person may hate the Rap songs.

There are three kinds of attitudes. They are affective, behavioural and cognitive. It is also known as the ABC model of the attitudes. Let's know separately about these three types of attitudes in brief with a example.

1. Affective – It is related to the feelings or emotions of the person.
For example : When I see a snake I feel fear.

2. Behavioural – It is related to the action or response of the person in a particular situation.
For example : I will escape if I see a snake.

3. Cognitive – It is related to the thoughts, beliefs, and ideas of the person about something.
For example : I believe snakes are dangerous.

Difference between values and attitudes are shown the table bellow:

Values Attitudes
Values are moral principles or standards that direct our behaviours. Attitudes are judgement about persons, situations or any objects.
Values are about what we are doing or thinking is right or wrong. Values are about how much we like or dislike to someone or something.
Values are influenced by family, culture, religion etc. of the society. Attitudes are influenced by values, beliefs, emotions, experiences etc. of the person.
Values are always positive. Attitudes may be positive or negative both.
Example : I should be honest. Example : I like honest persons.

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