
Relationships between Beliefs, Values, Attitudes, and Behaviours with Examples

Relationships between Beliefs, Values, Attitudes, and Behaviours

Relationships between Beliefs, Values, Attitudes, and Behaviours

There is a deep relationships between our beliefs, values, attitudes with our behaviours. Everything that we do is behaviour. Our behaviours are the reflection of our beliefs, values, and attitudes. Everyday we are behaving on the basis of our attitudes, beliefs and values. Belief, value and attitude are interconnected with each other. Our attitudes are based on our beliefs and values. Our beliefs are based on our values. Beliefs, values and attitudes are differ from person to person.

What is Belief ?
Belief is our thought that an individual holds which may either true or false. It is our internal factor. Belief doesn't need any proof. A belief may arise from different factors such as experience, social norms and cultures, religion, education etc. Belief may differ from person to person. Two person may have different belief on same subject matter. For example:  some people believe in God while some people may not believe in God

Beliefs are ideas through which people interpret the world. It is not easy task to change one's belief but it can be changed. It takes some time and strong evidence to change one's belief. Our behaviours are directly or indirectly influence by our beliefs. We perform different behaviour in a particular situation  on the basis of our beliefs. Some of the examples of beliefs are : god created this world, humans are developed from monkey etc.

What is value ?
Values are moral standards and moral principles that direct our action and behaviour. It guides us to behave in a particular way. It is the socially accepted ethics that guide our behaviour. It helps us how to behave in a particular situation.

Values are directly and indirectly influenced by the families, culture, religions etc. of the society. It may differ from society to society and person to person.Loyalty, fairness, respect, love, honesty, freedom, kindness etc. are the examples of values.

Differences between beliefs and values
Differences between values and beliefs are as follows:

Beliefs Values
Beliefs are thoughts that an individual hold which may either trues or falses. Values are the moral principles or ideal standards that direct our behaviours.
Beliefs develop from our experiences, social cultures, education etc. Values develop from family, religions, cultures etc.
What is true or false is related to belief. What is right or wrong is related to value.
Beliefs are mostly related to religion assumptions. Values are mostly related to our day to day life.
Example: God created this world, humans are developed from monkey etc Example: Freedom, honesty, love, respect etc.

What is an attitude ?
Attitude is all about our believe system through which we judge someone or something. Attitudes are formed from our beliefs, values, experience etc. How much we like or dislike person, object, place, situation etc. are all about our attitude. Our every action and behaviour are the reflection of our attitude.

Attitude may differ from person to person. Two people may have different attitude on the same subject matter. For example, a student may like math subject while another may hate math subject. Here math is same subject matter but there is different attitude towards math.

Differences between Beliefs and Attitudes
Differences between attitudes and beliefs are as follows:

Beliefs Attitudes
Beliefs are thoughts that an individual hold which may either true or false. Attitudes are all about our believe system through which we judge someone or something.
What is true or false is related to belief. How much an individual likes or dislikes someone or something is related to attitude.
Belief may determine an attitude An attitude may not determine the belief.
Example: A person may believe in god. Example: A person may have negative attitude towards god

Click Here for Differences between Values and Attitudes

What is behaviour ?
Behaviour is our action. It is our response towards the situation, object, person etc. We are showing behaviour everyday. It is about how someone acts or performs to make something happen. It is considered as observable. It is differ from person to person.Two person may show different behaviour on a same subject matter. For example : A person may escape while he sees a dog while another person may not afraid of dog.

Our behaviour are influenced by our belief, values and attitude. Our every actions are the reflection of our beliefs, values and attitudes.

For example :
Relationship between belief and behaviour
We believe that god created this world so we pray god everyday in the morning.

Relationship between value and behaviour
Similarly, we think, there should be equally treated between male and female because of value of equality.

Relationship between an attitude and behaviour
We like music so we love to sing and dance with a music.

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