
Control System : Concept , Types and Process of Control System | Mero Solution


Concept of Control System :
Control system is the process of ensuring that actual activities match to plan activities. The main objective of controlling is to make sure that actual performance is consistent with plans and if there is any deviation takes place, corrective actions is required. Thus, without effective control procedures, the organization cannot achieve its goal. The main purpose of control is to make sure that actual performance is consistent with plan.

Types of Control :

1. Pre-Control System :
This control system is also called free-forward control. It is a control that takes place before a work is performed. This control system is future oriented. Its aim is to prevent problems before they arise, Management formulates policies, procedures, rules and sets standards that reduce the possibility of problems taking place in the future. It means, instead of waiting for results and comparing them with future goals, a manager can apply control by limiting activities in advance.

2. Concurrent control System:
This is also called gatekeeper control or real-time control. Concurrent control regulates ongoing organizational activities and transformation processes to ensure that activities are conducted according to the established standards. Concurrent control is designed to detect a problem as it occurs. When a manager directly observes the actions of an employee, the manager can eventually monitors the employee's actions and correct problems as they occur. This control system takes place while plans are being carried out.

3. Post-Control System:
This control is also called feedback control. It is based on information feedback. It is a post-action control which provides management with useful information to solve problems and to reward employees for good performance. This control implies that performance information is gathered and analyzed, and the results from the analysis return to someone in the process to make corrections. It means this control method is designed to detect existing problems after they occur but before they reach crisis situation.

Process of control system :
The effective control system follows certain process. They are as follows:

i. Establishment of standard:
Standards are the expected level of performance or plan targeted to achieve within a given budget and time. Thus, standards often come directly from objectives. In some instances, objectives may be used directly as standards. However,
standard should be easy to measure and define.

ii. Measurement of actual performance:
It is the step which measures actual performance achieved with that of planned performance. The main purpose of performance measurement is to gather data and detect problem areas. When actual performance is measured with that of standard laid down, problems may be identified.

iii. Comparison between standard and actual performance:
The deviation can be identified when actual performance is compared with standard. If the performance matches the standard, the achievement is considered good. Comparison of actual performance is helpful to identify weaknesses and strengths in any part of the performance.

iv. Taking corrective action:
If the standards are not being met, the manager must find the cause of the deviation and correct it. There may be a number of factors that cause deviation or failure. Management has to develop a strategy to eliminate the drawback and adjust with the change.

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